Website Design By Graphical Media Services.comStarted in 2009. DIVERSITY:Experienced with small job shop type work all the way through Aerospace and Naval contract work. COMBINED BENEFITS:We give you the combined benefits of a small shop (flexible, quick turnaround, highly accessible) while also possessing theequipment and expertise to handle demanding and complex jobs. Response and attention of a small shop withoutsacrificing quality and capabilities. R&D/PROTOTYPE WORK:We work with many companies who need R&D and prototype work. We are a perfect solution to R&D and prototype work. VALUE ADDED MANUFACTURING:Working with customers to “design for manufacture” in order to save time and money. LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS / PARTNERSHIPWe strive to become more than just a source for manufactured parts. Our goal is to become and extension of your internalteam to keep your projects moving forward on time and within budget. COMMITMENT TO QUALITYWe have a commitment to quality as evidenced by our calibrated inspection equipment (CMM, Optical Comparator, variousinspection tools). All of our calibrations are performed and traceable to NIST standards.Our experience in the aerospace industry makes us familiar with the processes and theexpectations of the most demanding industries.Email: sales@baranmanufacturing.comPhone / Fax: (866) 921-9294